Eye Health

Eye Health 1
In order to fully understand your eye health (and the best treatments) you should be able to do so in as few steps as 1, 2, 3. In this section, we cover everything from what happens during an eye examination to why it is important to have your eyes tested regularly, different types of eye conditions, prescriptions, and more.

Testing of the eyes

The importance of eye examinations cannot be overstated. You may not be aware that they are responsible for more than simply updating prescriptions. We have written articles and guides to help you learn more about eye tests.

Eye Health 2

When you undergo an eye examination, what happens?

Regardless of whether you maintain your biennial eye examination or have not performed an eye examination since you were in school, understanding what occurs during your examination is crucial.

The importance of regular eye examinations

You should have an eye examination regularly even if your eyes and your current glasses seem fine. Read on to find out why a regular eye exam is important, and how often you should schedule one.

Eye Health 3

Guidelines for the NHS

It is our goal to keep you informed about ways in which you can obtain the most affordable eye care. Free NHS eye tests are available to qualified individuals at least every two years through a voucher program.

A comparison of opticians, optometrists, and ophthalmologists

In the event that you require an eye examination, you should consult with a professional eye specialist. Among them are opticians, optometrists, and ophthalmologists.

Medications prescribed to you

You may find it difficult to understand the various combinations of letters and numbers on your prescription. Therefore, we have created these articles and guides in order to assist you in becoming more familiar with your prescription.

Eye Health 4

How important is pupillary distance?

When ordering varifocal lenses or having a strong prescription, it is crucial to measure between the centers of your pupils.

You should understand your prescription

Here is everything you need to know about the sheet of paper you receive following your eye examination.

Eye Health 5

Making sure you have the right lenses for your prescription

Is there a lens that is best suited to your prescription? We hope this quick guide will assist you in making sense of all the confusing options available to you.

The thickness of a lens: what you need to know

Refractive indices are used to classify lens materials. As the power increases, the lens can become thinner.

Eye Health 6

Observations on vision

In order to maintain good eye health, it is necessary to know what to look out for. The following articles and guides will provide you with a better understanding of the different types of vision conditions.

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